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This persona was developed from multiple including a survey, user testing, interview, assumptions and generalisations. In this way the persona is both real and fictional as it reflects the real data from the survey and the fictional information from our assumptions and generalizations.

Asumptions 01.JPG
Asumptions 02.JPG

Survey Results

Based on the demographic results from the survey I was able to determine the following aspects for our persona.
● Gender
● Age
● Concerns
● Occupation

Assumptions and generalizations

Knowing their age, gender and location allowed me to develop an appropriate name for the persona. The characteristics of the persona such as the image, skills, likes, dislikes and values were less grounded and were instead chosen to humanise the persona.

User testing and interview 


The data gathered from the user tests and interview allowed me to fill in further details of the persona. I used this information to develop the tagline for the persona. 

“Finding the ideal home in Dublin has never been harder! While I save for my ideal home, I’m looking for somewhere that meets my needs in the medium-term. I’m okay with moving once a year or when my needs change.”




Based on the user testing I found there were two tasks that the participants had real difficulty completing. From the research it appeared that both were navigation issues, the users found it difficult to find the link or tab they were looking for. This frustration pushes users out of their experience. On this basis I created the following job stories.

Job Story - When I search for accommodation on, I want to be able to save ads that I like easily, so I can find them at a later stage.

This “As Is” storyboard shows the difficulty in trying to save an ad.

Scenario 01.JPG


This “To Be” storyboard shows that by adding an easily identifiable saved ad button to the listings page the process is simplified.

Scenario 02.JPG


This “As Is” storyboard shows the difficulty in trying to advertise as a landlord on

Scenario 03.JPG


This “To Be” storyboard shows that by adding an easily identifiable Advertise tab to the home page the process is simplified.

Scenario 04.JPG

©2021 by MartinRochford

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